Blessed Samhain to my fellow Pagans, and Happy Halloween to all of you. May this burnt orange season lead you to safety as the Veils between the worlds lift.
That’s right, SIREN’S SONG Is out a little early! Maddy, Bubba, and Aegis are back! Go get it!
A Year in My Yard: Week 7
A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today it’s Apple in-a-box. Yeah. I mean, meow.
Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Maudlin’s Mayhem
I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween and Samhain
Halloween, for us, is Samhain—the festival from which Halloween evolved. But I also give out treats. A couple years ago, it occurred to me that my own allergies prevented me from eating the candy we were handing out, so what
Taking the House Gluten & Nut Free
Happy Monday — it’s been an awfully long weekend. I have a LONG post for you today. It’s been a while since I’ve done an allergy post, and boy do I have a long one for you. A little
A Year in My Yard: Week 6
A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today it’s… these two… aaaaaand they’re up to something…
Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Scent to Her Grave
I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both