Today I have a beef soup recipe for you! It’s safe for MCAS and histamine intolerance, but it might have ingredients that trigger you specifically. Feel free to adapt as necessary. 8 ounces steak (make sure it’s fresh and not
Vlog: Talking All Things Food Allergy & Histamine Intolerance
Today talking a little about the food allergies and HIT. Today I’m talking about the food allergy/HIT issue that so many of my readers have asked me about, and how it impacts me traveling for signings and so forth. HIT:
But First, Coffee: Overcoming Victim-Hood
Good morning. I’ll wait here for you to get you coffee, or your tea, and then we’ll start. So, today we’re going to chat about focusing on what your body needs instead of what you’d rather do. And I’m going
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween and Samhain
Halloween, for us, is Samhain—the festival from which Halloween evolved. But I also give out treats. A couple years ago, it occurred to me that my own allergies prevented me from eating the candy we were handing out, so what
Taking the House Gluten & Nut Free
Happy Monday — it’s been an awfully long weekend. I have a LONG post for you today. It’s been a while since I’ve done an allergy post, and boy do I have a long one for you. A little
Non-Dairy Butternut Squash Soup
One thing I love is a good soup. I love pumpkin soup, but it’s problematic with histamine intolerance. But butternut squash doesn’t seem to set off reactions and so I decided to try it in my pumpkin soup recipe. This
Delayed Reactions
Post on my allergy Blog: Delayed Reactions
Histamine Intolerance–Part 2
So, the other day I wrote a post on Histamine Intolerance and what it is, and what it isn’t. So to continue the discussion. What foods can you eat and what can’t you have when you have HIT? It all
Histamine Intolerance: Part 1
Last night, I had a bad reaction. I woke up at 3:30, confused and feeling like something was wrong. I was starting to panic. I woke up Sam, and by that time, the itching had started—all over my body, intense,
Hello Monday: Histamine, Histamine, Who Wants Some Histamine
First: I just realized I forgot to get A Year of Marymoor up yesterday–will post it today. I managed to take the pictures yesterday but totally spaced the post. So…onto the main post. So as I’ve said before, I have