What a great vlog cast! Thanks! In somewhat unrelated news, you mentioned author friends. Do you know how Anya Bast is doing? Last I heard, several years ago, she was battling cancer. Do you happen to know how (or what) she’s doing now? I haven’t seen her in any of the websites/blogs I follow in ages, and I very much hope she is ok. (And if this is an inappropriate question for this post, please delete. Thanks!)
What a great vlog cast! Thanks! In somewhat unrelated news, you mentioned author friends. Do you know how Anya Bast is doing? Last I heard, several years ago, she was battling cancer. Do you happen to know how (or what) she’s doing now? I haven’t seen her in any of the websites/blogs I follow in ages, and I very much hope she is ok. (And if this is an inappropriate question for this post, please delete. Thanks!)
To be honest, I haven’t heard from her for a long, long time. I reached out, but didn’t get an answer back and I hope she’s okay.