So, it’s been a few years since I really did a post on my Yule decorations and I thought I’d get back to that on the blog, instead of just IGing pictures.
As you know, I’m a decorating fiend and I love to deck out the house for the holidays. Since we celebrate the Solstice/Yule instead of Christmas, I decorate early (and, without even rationalizing it, I love the sparkle so be-damned the Scrooges who groan about people decorating early (if they don’t want to, they don’t have to, don’t freaking rain on my happy sparkles!). We decorate the week before Thanksgiving here.
Click on the pictures below to see bigger detail!
And here are our outdoor vids (a quick video). Sparkle Hooves is almost 8′ tall. I did not realize Sparkle Hooves would be almost 8′ tall. I was surprised (but he’s gorgeous).