Dystopian women ready to rumble

So…when I started writing Fury, I didn’t expect to be living in a pseudo-dystopian world before long, though there was a part of me that always felt like something was coming.

So, yeah, we’re in it now, folks. The coronavirus isn’t going away quickly, and even if they find a vaccine we have to face that it’s changing how we interact for at least the foreseeable future. I live in the Seattle area–Ground Zero for the States…and it’s sobering. Pandemics are nothing new, but this is a particularly aggressive one.
Here in Seattle we’re not fully into shelter-in-place, but definitely on lockdown of so many things, which is a good thing. All schools, bars, restaurants, salons, gyms, most malls, are all closed. Any gatherings of 50 or more are banned, and I rather expect to see that number grow smaller before things get better.
I’m grateful our governor here is on top of things. There are hopeful notes–they’re working on finding a vaccine for the virus, though that may take months. But I gather China is finding some medications to be helpful.
But…in the meantime…we need to do what we can to weather this storm. And we need to shore each other up and look to our loved ones and neighbors and friends to make sure we’re all pulling through as much as we can. IF you can, now is the time to donate to food banks–people will be in need.
Meanwhile, this post is here for you, to remind you that we can make it through this. Take all precautions, remember that the immuno-compromised need those of you who are healthy to be cautious (and I’m one of them, so is my husband), and try to find whatever joy you can because joy beats back the looming shadows.
Tell me, what’s it like where you are? What are you doing to make it through this time? What are you doing to keep joy in your life? And if you’re afraid, please, take a deep breath and know that it’s okay to be afraid–but try to step through the panic because panic trips us up.
Hugs, my peeps, and take care out there.
Dystopia 2020 and How To Weather It
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5 thoughts on “Dystopia 2020 and How To Weather It

  • 03/23/2020 at 9:14 am

    I am in Western Ny and we are to stay home as I am a nonessential employee for a school district. At least I am getting paid for now and I am grateful,. I have immune compromised so I am keeping to home as much as possible though man I miss going out and about. Been reading a lot, playing video games and chilling. I also cleaned the hosue from top to bottom and put out my spring decorations as they are happy and bright. Now today is miserably cold and rainy/snowy so I am baking homemade chocolate cake and chilling with netflix. Stay safe, healthy and sane

  • 03/20/2020 at 7:10 pm

    I’m in the Richmond, VA area, and our governor has gone with the President’s recommendation of no groups larger than 10. My Mom and I don’t go out much anyway. (Thankfully she works from home, & I’m essentially her caregiver.) I do our grocery shopping, & run other errands. So far, our mall (the one I go to) has only cut their hours, although some of the stores in the mall have closed temporarily. I was able to go to Barnes & Noble on Wednesday to pick up 2 new books that I had preordered. I also picked up a dot-to-dot book to have something different to do. We both have talked to friends & family on the phone (some we’ve called, some have called us) to check in & see how everyone’s doing. I’ve also been checking in with friends, some of whom are family, on Facebook. I’ve also discovered Animal Planet is currently running a “Too Cute” marathon! Nothing like looking at puppies & kittens to take your mind off of everything for a while! Especially if you’re like me, & don’t have the real thing anymore.

  • 03/20/2020 at 7:03 pm

    I’m in Sacramento, CA, we are on shelter in place. I am older and disabled, so we’re all being extra careful. I’m retired, my daughter has been working from home since Monday. We are keeping in touch with friends and family all over the world and reports we are getting are scary. We have a friend who is in Risk Management at a major medical center in LA, they are already out of ICU beds and almost out of supplies. A friend in NYC is sheltering in place in a basically empty hotel, she can’t get home. She is in her 80’s and does not expect to make it through. A friend in Germany leaves home only to walk the dog, neighbors are shopping for her. We have food for about 4 weeks and citrus trees for fresh fruit. We will be baking and distributing bread, muffins and cookies to older friends and neighbors and checking in with them to make sure they have all they need. We’re sending funny memes and positive words to people and listening to people’s fears, just trying to be there for others the best we can. Please take care of yourselves. BTW will you be writing any more Fury books? She is one of my favorite characters, although I really do love them all, currently doing a re-read of the Wild Hunt series, a great way to spend time during a pandemic.

  • 03/20/2020 at 4:51 pm

    I am in the Cleveland, OH area and my husband and I are taking all the precautions we can. We both are retired and older, so we have to be cautious about going out, if we have to go out to pick up prescriptions and groceries, we make sure we always use hand sanitizer or clorox wipes(since hand sanitizer is hard to find right now) and doing the social distancing. But one highlight we have is we have a park close to us, so we can continue to walk and enjoy nature. And I am catching up on my reading and hauling out jigsaw puzzles. I hope if nothing else comes from this, it gives us time to slow down and be more considerate of people.

  • 03/20/2020 at 4:12 pm

    I’m in Houston. Interesting to witness history in the making. Like I wonder when they write about this in future history books if we will have abolished the bias in education and if the story told will reflect what is really happening in the world right now. I hope Humanity comes out better and this doesn’t leave a distaste for each other in our mouths. I’ve been quarantined but I’ve never felt closer to my community. Checking on others. Wanting to make sure everyone is taken care of and afforded all resources to live comfortably. It has inspired me. I mean, im probably just in a good mood right now because I’ve already had my The World is Burning Moment LOL but I really am looking for the Silver Lining.


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