7 thoughts on “Vlog: Do I Believe In Sasquatch?!

  • 04/09/2020 at 9:09 am

    Loved it! Thank you for addressing my question!! Different myths and worlds make a lot of sense.
    My silver lining is the 8th was my 25th wedding anniversary.

    • 04/10/2020 at 8:27 pm

      Happy anniversary!

  • 04/08/2020 at 9:45 pm

    I hope it’s ok that I come back with a question. It’s something I have wondered about for a while.

    When magic (with a k/without a k?) plays a role in a movie, do the characters use real invocations and spells?

    I can imagine that if real incantations are used, real things might happen. This could be good, bad, neutral, or interpreted in a different way.

    As I have not had anyone to explore this with, I have looked at the gossip that comes out about filming particular movies. For example, there were rumors about some things that happened on the set of The Craft. I know that this type of gossip is not reliable, and plays to curiosity.

    I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about this, if you are willing to share.


    • 04/10/2020 at 8:24 pm

      No, not really, though most magickal spells (as in *real* magick aren’t handed down through time–I make most of mine up, just like I do in my fiction. The difference is, pushing energy through the spell and having it something that *could* happen, not something that goes against physics. That said, if someone created a spell for a movie, had enough power, and focused enough, something *could* happen on the set.

  • 04/07/2020 at 10:00 pm

    I like what you share–your beliefs, your practices, your personality. Thank you for your vulnerability here.

    I want to believe in magic. The academic snob in me trots out explanations for magic, for myth, for mystery. I want to shove that snob off a bridge and relax into the unknown…the things that are truly mysterious, that I can’t know.

    My quarantined life is pleasantly narrow. My brother (my house mate) is the willing errand runner. Mostly he goes alone, although we go together to pick up the mail each day.

    My studio has been painted (a little over a week ago), and I am waiting for a second strand of sparkly lights. I’ve decorated with the art work of the 4th graders who I have worked with 2 times per week for most of the school year. The decor also showcases my growing collection of Pusheen the Cat.

    When the second strand of lights arrives, I will take pictures.

    That’s what’s up here…down in Olympia.

    • 04/10/2020 at 8:27 pm

      There are explanations for everything, TBH…magick works because the wielder has the strength and focus to manipulate energy. Miracle healings happen because the person involved has such a deep desire, and there’s some give there that the healing *can* happen, that…hey… The gods are there, they listen, they just don’t hand out favors like candy. Magick is *work*…it’s not easy or just wishing for something. So yeah, I *always* check out practical explanations first. But…sometimes, I just *know* that my magick had an effect. Also, you draw what you focus on a lot of the time. Focus on lack, you’ll draw lack. Start focusing on prosperity and you will draw it–maybe a little, maybe a lot…

  • 04/07/2020 at 8:25 pm

    This whole pandemic is definitely stressful but, I definitely enjoy getting to spend more time with my mom it’s nice.


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