My bedtime has totally gone to hell. I’m up at night too late, and up in the morning too early, and I’m so sleepy today. That could be, because my blood pressure meds are still too high. We upped the dose because I was having some stress attacks, but apparently we upped them way too much because my blood pressure began to register far too low every day, and I was getting exhausted in the afternoon. Now, we’ve cut them down but my BP still isn’t up to where it should be so we’re adjusting again.

Anyway, I’m off to write. Write. WRITE. What are you up to today?

Happy Hump Day
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One thought on “Happy Hump Day

  • 05/24/2020 at 8:45 am

    Hi Yasmine! It’s Sunday and today, as a family are going out for brunch which will be out first time out in months! I’m looking forward to making out contribution to build our Country and economy. Right now the family is sleeping which gives me the opportunity to read Phantom Queen… Eagerly waiting for your next release! I read all your books series and committed to start China series!


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