I got up early this morning, I was having a bit of a histamine dump and got up early to take a shower at 5:30 and ended up just staying up. But I got to thinking about my life the
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… Apple, I have to be close to pet you.
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have an extensional crisis of extreme kitty magnitude!
Vlog: Yasmine Reading Willowborn–Part 2
Lughnasadh: A Tarot Ritual
The waning half of the year leads us into the concept of sacrifice. During this time we begin our spiritual descent into the Underworld. Lughnasadh marks the first of the three harvests: the Grain Harvest of Lughnasadh, the Harvest of
Working Through Chaos
So we’re having some work done on the place–outside faucets added for accessibility so it’s easier to water the lawn, some plumbing changes. Yesterday the plumber found a hornets nest in the wall. He played exterminator given I’m so allergic
Vlog: How to Navigate Being An Intuitive Writer
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… Well, what did you expect a cat to say in her sleep?
Brain Candy Friday
Well, today’s a difficult day in some ways. I’m facing a decision (not related to my career or my home) and as usually, I’m turning to my tarot decks and spiritual guardians for advice. I’m so grateful that I actually