Woman wandering through birch/alder forest.

Happy Wednesday. I hope this post finds you well. I’m still not feeling ready to return to making videos. Ever since Morgan got sick I’ve been feeling extremely insular and quiet. We finally have a diagnosis on her. She had acute lymphocytic leukemia. It’s not the same as feline leukemia, this is not contagious where feline leukemia is. We also discovered that it is a very rare cancer, and even if we had caught it early the chemotherapy for it only gives a 30% chance of remission and even then it will come back within a few months. It was fairly aggressive and very quick, her bloodwork was fine in April. So it came on like gangbusters, to use a cliché.

We’re both grieving, and the house seems so incredibly quiet even though she was actually the quietest of all the cats. For such a little creature she held such a huge presence.

On to other things though. I have finished Veil of Stars and will get it off to my editor later this week. I’m hoping it will come out on time, if not I will push the release date forward a week or two. If I have to delay it it won’t be for long. While this is the last book of the official series arc, there will be several novellas and short stories in the Wild Hunt Series that I will bring out over the next year or two. The first novella will be Antlered Crown, which will be a wedding novella. I can’t give you a date for it yet but it will be next year at some point.

I really want it to be autumn. It’s been a harsh summer, with the heat wave we had which was horrendous for this area, and then losing Morgan. I’ve had several migraines from too much sunlight and I just want to calm grey skies that we usually have through most of the year and the soothing patter of rain. I did buy some window cling for my office windows, and it blocks out the UV light. There are several degrees of darkened tint and this is a 35, which does help a lot. For anyone who’s interested, I find that it does work as promised and I’m glad that I invested in it.

I need to get back to my elimination diet — during the two weeks we were dealing with Morgan and her illness everything went by the wayside and I started having reactions again. But I’m not hitting myself over the head for it. There are some things that I forgive myself for and one of them is easing up on such a restricted diet when I am coping with intense emotional pain.

We are redecorating a bit. I love our king-size sleigh bed however when the cats get under it it’s almost impossible to get them out. So we are getting a king-size platform bed with storage drawers. They will not be able to get under this bed, and that will make it much easier to catch them when it’s time to take them to the vet. I also am going to buy new sofa for the same reason. That will make it difficult for them to find any hidey holes that we can’t get to. We need a new mattress, and it will be nice to have new furniture for a change. And our sofa is over 20 years old, so it’s well past its prime.

I suppose that’s it for now. I’m tired, emotionally drained and not really great company for anybody. It will get better, I’ve been this route before and it does get better, but for now I just walk through it. And so does Sam, who misses Morgan just as much as I do. Our cats are our kids, they’re part of our family, and when we lose a family member who is with this day to day, every day for years on end, then of course we mourn them. And to everyone who has lost a fur baby, I’m sorry. I know the pain too well, and I wish healing for you. If you’d like to see a little more about our current and past fur babies, here is our Family Cat Page.

Bright blessings, until my next post.

Wednesday Wanderings
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4 thoughts on “Wednesday Wanderings

  • 07/29/2021 at 8:59 pm

    we had triplets all sliver tabbies kittens . one got hit by a car . I have lost many fur babies over the years

  • 07/23/2021 at 10:33 am

    My heart is with you all during this time.
    While we know the Wheel turns for us all, it is devastating to lose a fur baby, and no matter how often , it never gets easier, and the hole is always there.
    Our kitties are our kids, too, so we feel you whole heartedly.
    I’ve been blessed to receive signs from many of my fur babies that have passed beyond the Veil, and for that I’m thankful. I hope Morgana lets you know in some way that she is healthy and at peace.
    Sending brightest blessings and hugs to you all.

  • 07/21/2021 at 11:11 pm

    I went through a fast growing lung cancer with my tuxedo cat Bert. His litter brother Pierre and I grieved.
    Please take your time. Each fur baby is special. Wonderful memories help.

  • 07/21/2021 at 8:17 pm

    We become more experienced at handling grief, but it never gets easier.
    I love having distinct seasons, but summer is challenging. Taking sick kitties to the vet, when it’s 100 degrees, is an ordeal. At least my pumpkins grow this time year.


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