The Vine Moon–July’s full moon–is on July 23, and is in the sign of Aquarius. Which means, it’s a good time for being gregarious, for community work, for magick focused on communications and connections.  If you have any contracts coming up, or important meetings, it’s a good time for magick focused on smoothing the negotiations for the best effects for you. If you have anything important you need to write or a speech coming up, it would also be a good focus for your magick, as well.

Vine Moon–July Full Moon
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4 thoughts on “Vine Moon–July Full Moon

  • 07/20/2021 at 11:11 am

    This has been a tough month.
    Our little fur baby is 16. She is showing all the signs of getting ready to cross over. Her vet she has had her entire life said it’s time.
    She isn’t in pain or suffering. But she is no longer a happy dog.
    It’s so very hard.
    My adult kids are not handling it well so my youngest is not either.
    Wish it was August

    • 07/20/2021 at 6:04 pm

      The loss of a family member is one of the worst experiences you can go through. So many people say they won’t get another dog or cat again because it’s simply too painful. The good news is that 24/7 internet community means you’re not alone. There are so many of us facing the same challenges and we’re always here for you.

      • 07/20/2021 at 6:26 pm

        I’ve never been one who has closed my heart to rescuing another animal. It’s all in realizing you aren’t ‘replacing’ your beloved pet you lost, but adding someone new to the family. But first, grieving is necessary…

    • 07/20/2021 at 6:27 pm

      I’m sorry, Jenni. It’s so very hard. And I wish it was autumn. I really want clouds and rain.

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