Ruthie asks: I love your work! How are you so prolific? What inspires you so?
Answer: My mind is always active–I’m always wondering, “What if…?” Truthfully, most writers don’t know where their ideas come from–they’re everywhere if you just look around and play the “What if…” game.
“What if that person in the car over there is running from the law?”
“What if that woman is an alien in disguise come here to look for a mate and that’s why she looks so different?”
I’ve just learned that I’ll always have more ideas than I can possibly write–which makes me sad. As far as being prolific, that’s entirely based on the individual writer. There’s not much you can do to change your personal pace. When I wrote for the trad publishers I was so frustrated because I wanted to write more books but couldn’t due to non-compete clauses.
I’m lucky–I can write fast and tight, and the years of work that I’ve done have helped me hone my work so that it doesn’t take a lot of revision.
Writing Wednesday

One thought on “Writing Wednesday

  • 03/22/2023 at 11:12 pm

    I just wanted to say I love your books. I am reading the Chintz and China books. I bought the entire collection and the Otherworld book, all 21. I must shout out that these are FANTASTIC, OVER THE TOP, AMAZING BOOKS Anyone that likes murder mystery’s, or fantasy, magic should be reading your books. again Amazing and the best books I have ever read. I haven’t figured out which adventure I;m going to next, but I am very sure it will also be WONDERFUL.
    Thank you for writing such great books. And by the way i love seeing the furbabies. I have 7 dogs and I would have furbabies. but dogs don’t don’t do well. So when i get lonely for then I go to my moms cause she have 2 one solid black and one is like a ray of sunshine (happens to be her name. The other is Blackie or Brat and mostly monster). They are very, very spoiled but we love them. Well THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR WORLDS.
    Sincerely and blessed be……Mary


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