Solstice Decorations!

Seasons Greetings

So, it’s been a few years since I really did a post on my Yule decorations and I thought I’d get back to that on the blog, instead of just IGing pictures. As you know, I’m a decorating fiend and

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The Nature of Litha

The Wheel of the Year--Litha

Litha — the summer solstice — falls on June 21st this year. The exact time is at 8:54 AM, PDT. The summer solstice means different things to different pagans, and all of these traditions can be right. In my tradition,

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Blessed Walpurgisnacht!

Blessed Beltane enchanted forest scene

Tonight is Walpurgisnacht, the Night of the Witches, and tomorrow is Beltane, so Blessed Beltane to all my fellow pagans, and happy May Day to everyone. In the Northern Hemisphere, now is the time when the Goddess and God run

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Holiday Playlist!

Yule Fun & Ideas

I thought you might like to see my holiday playlist for parties and rituals: Android Lust: Into the Sun Avalon Rising: Dark Moon Circle Bing Crosby: Silver Bells; Winter Wonderland Celtic Woman: Carol of the Bells; Newgrange Chieftans: Dunnmore Lassies

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How Was Your Thanksgiving?

Turkey, asking how was your thanksgiving?

So, how was your Thanksgiving? We had a wonderful time with friends and family of choice, and out came the good china and the dinner was great, and the company, wonderful. Tell me, what did you do? Now, as we

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Blessed Imbolc

Blessed Imbolc. May the blessings of Brighid be on you and your household.

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Mabon–The Second Harvest

Mabon is coming up. From my Crystal Cauldron section of the site (see dropdown menu on the menu bar): Mabon is the celebration of the Autumnal Equinox, when day and night are once again in balance.  Once more the sun

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Litha–the Summer Solstice

This week Pagans “turn the wheel” by celebrating Litha—the Summer Solstice. In the southern hemisphere, they celebrate Yule—Winter Solstice. Summer Solstice takes place on June 20th, at 9:24 PDT this year. Litha is the season of expansion, when the crops

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Yule Activities

Hello everyone Jennifer, Yasmine’s assistant, here again with another blog post for you all.   Yule is one of my favorite times of the year. I enjoy the quality time I get to spend with my family and I look

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A Merry Yuletide To All

Back in 2001, after the Towers fell, I had a hard time come Yule and the Solstice. I still felt almost guilty for wanting to celebrate, and wondering if we should. And then, one night, I sat down and wrote

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