Blessed Imbolc!

Blessed Imbolc

Blessed Imbolc. May the blessings of Brighid be upon you and your household.

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The Nature of Imbolc

Imbolc image

Tomorrow, February 2nd, is Imbolc, is the Festival of Brighid. Brighid (pronounced Breed) is the Celtic Goddess of fire, poetry, healing and craftsmen.  She is considered a Triple Goddess, as are so many of the Celtic goddesses, and Her festival

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Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2019!

HAPPY 2019! May the year be blessed for you!

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The Nature of Yule

Yule is the celebration of Midwinter.  The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year when the Oak King reclaims his throne, freeing the world from the chilling grip of winter.  Winter solstice is an astronomical event so the

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Holiday Playlist!

Yule Fun & Ideas

I thought you might like to see my holiday playlist for parties and rituals: Android Lust: Into the Sun Avalon Rising: Dark Moon Circle Bing Crosby: Silver Bells; Winter Wonderland Celtic Woman: Carol of the Bells; Newgrange Chieftans: Dunnmore Lassies

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How Was Your Thanksgiving?

Turkey, asking how was your thanksgiving?

So, how was your Thanksgiving? We had a wonderful time with friends and family of choice, and out came the good china and the dinner was great, and the company, wonderful. Tell me, what did you do? Now, as we

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Recipe Corner: Thanksgiving (Part 2)


So, last week we looked at desserts for Thanksgiving. This week we’re going to talk about two hotly debated sides: dressing, and mashed potatoes! First, gluten free dressing is possible, but honestly? The bread isn’t all it’s cracked up to

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Inspiration Corner: 7 Ways to De-stress The Holidays

Inspiration Corner: 7 Ways to De-stress The Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching. I love this time of year. We host Thanksgiving for friends and loved ones, and I love the sparkle of the winter holidays. But I know it can be an extremely stressful time for people.

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Recipe Corner: Thanksgiving (Part 1)


Thanksgiving can be difficult when you have food allergies.  I’ve learned the hard way that holidays are NO excuse for eating what you are allergic to. And it’s no excuse for serving your food allergic friends and family food that

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