Good morning and welcome to Inspiration Corner. Today I’m going to talk about gratitude—specifically, gratitude when you’re depressed or afraid. It’s easy to be grateful for things in your life when the flow of your life is moving along smoothly
Inspiration Corner: Six Ways to Tackle Everyday Problems
There are days where everything seems to go wrong. The fridge conks out, the washing machine overflows, the boss yells at you for something somebody else did, you realize you overdrew your checking account…you know, the vagaries of every day
Inspiration Corner: Being Prepared For What You Want
Today on inspiration corner I want to talk about something that people don’t often think about. And that is: what happens when you get what you want? And my spin on this is: make sure that you are prepared to
Inspiration Corner: Go After Your Goals!
Hi and welcome back to Inspiration Corner! I’m so glad you come back to visit me. Warning: today is kick-in-the-pants day! Today I’m going to talk about something that is a touchy subject with some people: If you have goals
Inspiration Corner: Turn that Ship Around!
Good morning! It’s time for Inspiration Corner again, and then I have a full day planned out. So today I’m going to talk about perspective and attitude. Let’s face it — and I am not going to argue the fact
Inspiration Corner: Making Your Home a Sanctuary–Part 2
How was your week? I hope well! Continuing with last week’s post, part 2 of Making Your Home a Sanctuary. Next, it’s time to take a look at the physical aspects of your house. If the wall colors bother you
Inspiration Corner: Making Your Home a Sanctuary–Part 1
Good morning and welcome back to Inspiration Corner! I hope you’ve had an inspired week. Yesterday, Sam and I renewed our vows, and I’ll be writing a blog post for Monday about it, along with some pictures. But today, I
Inspiration Corner: Finding Joy in Life
So today we’re going to about finding joy. When I say finding joy, I mean actually seeking it out. Oh, sometimes we stumble across something that brightens our day or makes us smile. But when you aren’t used to focusing
Inspiration Corner
About two years ago, I made the decision to go indie as an author. It was one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made. And today, two years later, I realize that I’m still thinking of myself as a newbie
But First, Coffee
Let’s have coffee together, and while we do, I’m going to tell you a few secrets about myself. (Waits for you to run and get your coffee or tea or milk or whatever you’re drinking)… Most of my life I’ve