Solstice Decorations!

Seasons Greetings

So, it’s been a few years since I really did a post on my Yule decorations and I thought I’d get back to that on the blog, instead of just IGing pictures. As you know, I’m a decorating fiend and

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Samhain’s Coming in With Mercury Retrograde On Its Heels

Monday Musings

So, we are coming close to Samhain, we are nearing a new moon, we are moving into a Mercury retrograde period, and all of this will be in the sign of Scorpio. In other words: we’re headed for a very

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Blessed Mabon!

Blessed Mabon

Blessed Mabon! May the Second Harvest bring you abundance and joy! From Yasmine and her team.

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Vlog: Plan With Me || Creating A Magickal Planner

Word Magic

Today, we’ll put together a magickal planner, so come plan with me!

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Blessed Lughnasadh

Blessed Lughnasadh

Blessed Lughnasadh. May your harvests be fruitful and your sacrifices given in reverence and honor. “There were three men came out of the west, their fortunes for to try, And these three men made a solemn vow John Barleycorn must

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Blessed Litha!

Blessed Litha!

Most Joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme through this day As the Wheel turns to the Waning Year! From Yasmine & her Team

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The Nature of Litha

The Wheel of the Year--Litha

Litha — the summer solstice — falls on June 21st this year. The exact time is at 8:54 AM, PDT. The summer solstice means different things to different pagans, and all of these traditions can be right. In my tradition,

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Blessed Walpurgisnacht!

Blessed Beltane enchanted forest scene

Tonight is Walpurgisnacht, the Night of the Witches, and tomorrow is Beltane, so Blessed Beltane to all my fellow pagans, and happy May Day to everyone. In the Northern Hemisphere, now is the time when the Goddess and God run

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Vlog: Wild Hunt Month Is Coming!

the Nightqueen's Lair

May brings Beltane, my anniversary, and Wild Hunt Month to my Facebook group! General chitchat about Blood Bonds and the end of Otherworld, Wild Hunt Month with all the fun stuff like contests, and other goodies. 🙂 Facebook Group YOUTUBE

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Happy Ostara!

Happy Ostara and Blessed Spring Equinox!

Blessings on this Ostara, the spring equinox! May all your new projects and beginnings prove fruitful.  

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