November 1, Samhain—the Festival of the Dead. The year is waning, venturing towards the winter solstice, the darkest night of the year. Leaves lay crisp on the ground, their burnished reds and bronzes a reminder of the fallow fields of
My Favorite Tarot Spread
I have gathered a number of tarot spreads over the years, but my favorite that I come back to time and again is the following. It’s actually my personal take on a different spread that a friend taught me a
How To Choose A System For Divination
Today we’re going to talk about divination. The definition of divination can include everything from understanding the forces going on behind a situation to actually predicting the future. And there are numerous systems for practicing divination. When I first started
One of my favorite Tarot spreads…
So, today I thought I’d talk about one of my favorite tarot spreads. It’s an adaptation of one I was taught over thirty years ago, and I have no idea where it originated but I changed it to make it