Here’s your September Bingo! Remember, if you want to find out if you’re right, the way to know is to sign up for my newsletter. The link to the Bonus Content Library is for my newsletter subscribers only! Click image
September Bingo!

Here’s your September Bingo! Remember, if you want to find out if you’re right, the way to know is to sign up for my newsletter. The link to the Bonus Content Library is for my newsletter subscribers only! Click image
September: Harvest Moon During September, we celebrate the second harvest–Mabon, and we rejoice in all we have gathered to us this year, through our hard work and perseverance. So this month, our Esbat will focus on celebration and sharing. As
Today on Brain Candy Friday, I want to talk about seasonal foods. Mabon’s coming up, the Second Harvest, and it’s the harvest of fruits. Harvest-tide, when we harvest apples and peaches and pears and all those wonderful fruits. We’ve gathered
Good morning, peeps! How are you doing? Happy Monday! I’m busy this week, though happily busy. I’m writing BLOOD ROSES, and just taking a quick break from it. I’m feeling pretty good this morning–I hope you are too. Even though
So, we’re into September and on our way to Autumn. I’m so thrilled. For me, September is always a pivotal month and I’m always happy to see it. The days are beginning to get shorter, the sun is getting cooler,
One of the things I love best about our area is what happens during autumn. September usually varies between moderate and rainy, we often slide into the beginnings of our rainy season about mid-to-late month. The trees begin to change
So this weekend I took Saturday off and spend it with my niece. We get along great, she’s only about ten years younger than I am and we have so much in common it’s spooky. I actually took care of