Harvest moon surrounded by autumn leaves

September: Harvest Moon

During September, we celebrate the second harvest–Mabon, and we rejoice in all we have gathered to us this year, through our hard work and perseverance. So this month, our Esbat will focus on celebration and sharing. As we move farther into the waning half of the year, we tend to be more introspective as we retreat into the autumn shadows.

Tomorrow is the Harvest Moon and it will be in Pisces. Pisces is a dreamy, idealistic. It’s also a sign that sometimes has problem with boundaries. And given the full moon brings emotions to the forefront, you might find yourself being forced to deal with creating or enforcing boundaries at this time–especially emotional ones.

I suggest you focus your ritual on reinforcing boundaries, as well as the celebration of the harvest. Make certain you aren’t taking on too much, and that you’re limiting your obligations to those events/tasks where you can do a good job. Be cautious of overloading yourself. And take care of your own needs first.

Because of the pandemic, it’s still dangerous to gather closely, so I might suggest a Zoom meeting where you talk about the positives of the year, about what you’ve discovered in yourself or in others that has given you hope for the community. And always–food banks can use donations.

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Harvest Moon
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5 thoughts on “Harvest Moon

  • 09/20/2021 at 2:24 pm

    Thank you for the reminder of not taking on too much. That’s hitting home right now.

    • 09/26/2021 at 10:12 pm

      Especially since we’re entering Mercury Retrograde right now.

  • 09/20/2021 at 9:19 am

    A blessed Mabon to all of you!
    I’m focusing on boundaries right now…. Ones I’ve been working on for awhile and hope to strengthen. I’m positive my will to succeed in this is a bonus.
    Sending brightest blessings your way!

  • 09/20/2021 at 5:47 am

    A timely gift of thoughts on my birthday… thank you.


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