Yesterday I made a wonderful new treat—squash pie. Now, it’s not low carb, but it’s not harsh on the blood sugar (unless you eat the whole pie all at once). I wanted something that I could eat on this low-impact allergy diet I’m still on from that last reaction, and this works.

Squash Pie

1 dairy and gluten-free faux graham cracker crust (or you can use any crumb crust), 9”
1 ½ cups cooked butternut or kobacha squash
3 eggs
½ cup unsweetened rice milk or coconut milk
½ cup maple syrup (real, not maple-flavored)
Optional: 1 tsp cinnamon, ¼ tsp cloves
¼ tsp salt

In mixing bowl, beat together all ingredients except crust. Pour into crust. Set pan on baking sheet and bake at 350° for 1 hour. Remove and let cool. Makes 6 servings.


Another one of my favorite early-autumn recipes:

Harvest Chicken

  • 1 3-4 lb. roasting chicken
  • ¼ cup dairy free margarine
  • 1 tbsp sage
  • 1 tsp parsley
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • ½ tsp kosher or sea salt
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1 large granny smith apple

Soften margarine till it’s spreadable and blend in the herbs, salt, and honey.
Rinse chicken and pat dry with paper towels.
Place chicken, breast side up, in roasting pan.
Spread ¼ of the margarine mixture inside the chicken (use your hands to make it easier, but always wash them with soap and hot water after touching uncooked poultry).
Dice and core apple, stuff loosely inside chicken.
Spread rest of margarine mixture over the outside of the chicken—covering entire top/sides of chicken.
Place in preheated oven—350°—and roast for 90 minutes. Remove, let set for ten minutes, then remove and discard apples.

Serves 4-6.


Early Autumn Recipes
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One thought on “Early Autumn Recipes

  • 09/11/2015 at 7:20 am

    Both of these sound really great. The apples are a new idea for me inside the chicken. I have done lemons inside a roasting chicken & that’s good. Gotta try the apples.

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