Recipe: Faux Cheesecake


So I’ve made a faux cheesecake that is sugar free, nut free, and dairy free. It’s low carb and tasty. It is problematic for histamine issues, but now and then when I really need dessert and I don’t want just

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Recipe Corner: Gluten & Dairy Free Pumpkin Pie


I’ve posted several versions of pumpkin pie before, but thought I’d offer you yet another. This pie uses a pre-made pie crust. I vary from the suggested recipe on the box because vinegar and my body do not agree. But

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Recipe Corner: Beef Soup

Recipe Corner: Beef Soup

Today I have a beef soup recipe for you! It’s safe for MCAS and histamine intolerance, but it might have ingredients that trigger you specifically. Feel free to adapt as necessary. 8 ounces steak (make sure it’s fresh and not

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Recipe Corner: Raspberry Coconut Cake


Coconut Raspberry Cake I’ve been asked for the recipe for this cake SO MANY TIMES since I first posted the picture on my Instagram. So here it is! It’s free of gluten, dairy, and nuts except for coconut. Yasmine’s Coconut Raspberry

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Recipe Corner: Chicken Cakes


I really miss crab cakes and salmon cakes–I used to make them quite a bit. Since I can no longer eat seafood of any kind, I had the idea not long ago that I could use chicken instead. And it

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Recipe Corner: Thanksgiving (Part 2)


So, last week we looked at desserts for Thanksgiving. This week we’re going to talk about two hotly debated sides: dressing, and mashed potatoes! First, gluten free dressing is possible, but honestly? The bread isn’t all it’s cracked up to

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Recipe Corner: Thanksgiving (Part 1)


Thanksgiving can be difficult when you have food allergies.  I’ve learned the hard way that holidays are NO excuse for eating what you are allergic to. And it’s no excuse for serving your food allergic friends and family food that

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Recipe Corner: Easy Ooey-Gooey GF Brownies


So, it’s hard during this season when you have allergies (especially for kids) to see all the goodies and not feel like you have any treats. I’ve developed a couple gluten/dairy free recipes that are really good, but easy to

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Recipe Corner: Apple Cobbler & Dairy-Free Caramel Sauce


So a couple of weeks ago, I posted this picture on Instagram and Facebook and immediately got a dozen requests for the recipe. So, here it is. You can use regular sugar instead of coconut sugar, but the coconut sugar

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Recipe Corner: Chicken Saute


I love this recipe for a light lunch. It’s tasty, safe, and low carb. Chicken Saute 1 lb chicken breast, skinless, boneless, cut into bite size pieces 2 small zucchini–peeled, then shave slices off to the core 1/2 cup frozen

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