We had a lovely Solstice, a low-key but powerful ritual, and it’s back to work. Though I always have that end-of-the-year drive to plan out for next year. So one of the things I’ll be doing is to figure out how to make 2016 far better than 2015 has been. And that will involve a number of major changes, most of which I can’t talk about yet because I’m not sure how they’ll play out. This year’s been a bitch, to be honest, hard on both of us–Sam in looking for work after getting laid off, me in dealing with changes in the publishing industry and facing even more coming up. I don’t do change well, unless it’s good change, and even then–like a cat–I am nervous throughout the transitions. I’m a Capricorn (Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn all in it), with my moon and Mercury in Aquarius and Cancer as a Rising Sign. Add Venus in Pisces and you get this internal battle on a continual basis–TRADITION WE MUST HAVE TRADITION AND ORDER….BUT! LOOK TO THE FUTURE AND TRY NEW THINGS–BREAK BARRIERS–JUMP OFF THE CLIFF!…ABOVE ALL DEFEND THE HOME FRONT!…BUT IDEALS, WHAT ABOUT THE IDEAL?

Yeah, a constant swirl of the desire to break new boundaries and the ability to do it while wondering why the fuck I’m out on the tightrope without a safety net. My life, right there. So this year, with all the changes that have gone on (you’ve heard only a fraction of them), it’s been tough.

We often get asked whether we celebrate Christmas too. Well, no. We don’t. For us, it’s just a day when all the stores are closed and when there will be no business anywhere, so we keep close to home, focus on what we want to or need to, and quite often, it’s a day when I start taking down the decorations since they’ve been up a month and Yule was not quite a week ago. I’m leaving a lot of the lights up till the new year this year, but I have a feeling I’ll be ready to take down the trees–as much as I love them–early next week.

Anyway, I hope your holidays were wonderful, and if not–at least bearable. Some days, that’s the best we can hope for, to be honest. I’m off to make my latte and get the day started and watch Two Towers again. Time to battle on!


Happy Rest of the Year!
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9 thoughts on “Happy Rest of the Year!

  • 12/27/2015 at 10:24 am

    I truly hope 2016 is a better year for you & Samwise. Christmas is with the Grands & the rest of the family. Changes coming to many, I beli.

  • 12/26/2015 at 6:18 pm

    Wishing you a wonderful new year.

    As a Jew, I do not celebrate Christmas and usually just hang out with friends or at home. However, this year decided to be “traditional” and went out for Thai instead of Chinese food then a movie on Christmas day with a friend.

  • 12/26/2015 at 1:57 pm

    Oh Yasmine, I wish all things wonderful for you, Samwise and your kitties.
    I hate change too. As an earth sign (Taurus ) I want to be home with my kitties, husband and books and feel safe. I do daydream about vacations and trying new challenges, but, security is more important especially since I got sick.
    I have been reading your books for a long time and look forward to all your new works. Things have to get better, and I know for you they will.Stay strong and and let magick help you in all of your prosperity workings.☆☆☆
    Brightest Blessings always,

  • 12/26/2015 at 1:30 pm

    These trials shall pass – hope 2016 is better for us all.

  • 12/26/2015 at 8:57 am

    Keep on keeping one…that’s about all you can do. Be optimistic that good will come with the bad. Generally speaking, it does.

  • 12/26/2015 at 5:53 am

    I’m so sorry that your year has been so tough. I do understand as I have had serious health issues, as well as trying to get disability benefits. Let’s hope this year is an improvement. I just finished Autumn Thorns and loved it. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series! I am also thankful for the OW series being continued. Hoping that everything smooths out and calms this year for you.

  • 12/25/2015 at 7:25 pm

    And of course you know I mean better for 2016. I have a cat on my lap which makes typing and proof reading difficult.

  • 12/25/2015 at 7:24 pm

    2015 was a rough year. So sorry you guys are struggling and wishing you much better for 2015 – for you and all of us. Though we are only friends through social media, I have been a fan for many years, starting with the cozies and continuing through the non-fiction. You both seem like real friends and I wish you the best.

  • 12/25/2015 at 5:45 pm

    It sounds like 2015 has not been friendly to you and Samwise. I also struggle with change, especially in the work place. I was sorry to hear about the publishing issue you’ve had with the OW series. I’m, like most of your readers, are grateful that you’re willing to continue the sisters story on your own. Though I’m sure it comes as a great cost to you. Thank you for continuing their story. I just finished Flight from Death, great novel, I’m craving more. Onto Autumn Thorns now, very excited to read this one. I hope 2016 is a better year for you and Samwise. May some of life’s stress and struggles cease and may 2016 be kinder to you.


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