Welcome to Winter—yes, it’s winter here even if the calendar still says autumn. I woke up today to a windy, chilly morning and it’s raining—which is fine. The skies are gray and we’re deep into the rainy season. In fact, we had the rainiest October on record for our area. The weather suggests we may have a snow day next week and I admit, after several overly warm winters in our area, I wouldn’t object. It’s been awhile since we’ve had any snow to speak of, and there are trees and plants that do well with a good freeze/snow.

This has been a tumultuous year and as we head into December, I’m seriously looking at the next year. This year Berkley and I parted ways and I decided to go indie. It’s been a tumultuous ride but I think it’s going to work and I’m happier with my writing than I’ve been in awhile—not the actual work, though I think that’s better too, but definitely the process. I’m hoping my readers continue to follow me on this new path so I can continue to write. So far so good. I’m having more fun in many ways, though the work load has increased, since I’ve taken over my own publishing.

We’re hoping that Sam’s career will settle down into a good job—this year showed us just how discriminatory people are against disabilities and it was not a good feeling. We were caught off guard, because until this past eighteen months Sam hasn’t faced a lot of outward discrimination. But the number of hang ups from recruiters who don’t want to deal with his speech disability has been heartbreaking. Sam’s so good at what he does, but if they don’t give him a chance to show what he can do, how can he prove it to him?

As we enter the last month of the year, I’m reassessing my health too, and how I can avoid another year that was so full of food allergy reactions that it felt like I lived on Benadryl half the time.

So yes, it’s been one hell of a challenging year, but I’m hoping it’s been transitional. I’m hoping that now that I’ve got a couple indie books under my belt, the process will settle into routine. I’m hoping that Sam will find a good job that gives him—and us—security, along with a sense of fulfillment. And I’m hoping that winter proves to be a beautiful, chill season.

Bright Blessings,

Welcome to Winter
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14 thoughts on “Welcome to Winter

  • 12/02/2016 at 9:51 am

    Thank you so much for the Chintz n’ China novella. What a treat for longtime fans. Those were the first books I read that you wrote. I also loved the Bewitching Bedlam novella. I will definitely be buying the first novel in that series. I think the indie thing will work out. I read so many indie authors. That seems to be the trend now. The lower prices are a big plus and encourage people to give a series a try that they might now otherwise.

  • 12/01/2016 at 5:24 am

    I do so hope that next year will be better for you and Sam. I know that you will continue to sell your books because they are great. Prayers for a better 2017 for you guys. And Happy Holidays

  • 11/30/2016 at 11:18 pm

    Hi Yasmine! In thinking about going indie…. let me preface this by noting that I completely realize that authors do not write “to order,” or “on demand”, and I also realize you are really, really busy with the projects you already have going on, but…. if you still happen to have any interest in someday writing another cozy mystery series, I know that my bookclub and I would be very excited about that! Your Emerald O’Brien Chintz and China series remains one of my favorite series of all time, and it would be so wonderful if you someday decided to write another cozy series. Just thought I’d let you know that! I wish you a wonderful holiday season, and may 2017 treat all of us a bit better than 2016 did.

    • 12/01/2016 at 1:39 pm

      Thanks, and I’m so glad you loved the series, but other than the holiday novella I decided to write to wrap it up, I’m just no longer in a place where I enjoy writing cozies. I left that field long ago. 🙂 I like steamy paranormal and dark fantasy so….not quite in the cozy realm. Never really was, in my mindset, though.

  • 11/30/2016 at 7:46 pm

    Sorry to hear about Sam being discriminated against, this year has been rough for everyone it seems 🙁
    Has he looked into agencies that help people with disabilities? My friend Jim got hooked up with one and he had a job about a month later.

  • 11/30/2016 at 7:27 pm

    This year has been challenging for a lot of reasons for us, too. Praying things get better for Sam in the job market & for your health, too. I sympathize with Sam about having trouble finding a job. I’ve been unemployed for about 3 years now. My issues are not his, but I’m still having issues. I’m hoping to take a class to go in a different direction this Spring, now that Mom’s done having surgeries (she’s had 3 since this Summer). I’m hoping to get into the Medical Coding field, and find a job I can do from home. Mom still works from home, but I’m still her “caregiver”. She doesn’t drive, so I take her everywhere she needs to go. Here’s to a happy Winter & better new year for all of us.

  • 11/30/2016 at 5:51 pm

    I am loving all your new series and still loving Otherworld. Thank you for continuing to write. I will certainly keep buying your books no matter what format they are in. They have helped in this challenging year. I hope your health turns around and that they have the right diagnosis for you. I am sorry that Sam is having trouble finding a job. I hope he finds a really good one this year, and early on at that! Wishes for a happy winter and Yule! And may the coming year bring all good things!

  • 11/30/2016 at 4:02 pm

    We are going into summer down here in the Southern Hemisphere and hope it is nice. Last month my husband of 23 yrs left me for a ‘so called’ friend. I had offered her a safe haven and she stole my husband. I broken hearted but have to pick up pieces and get on with life, at least I have my health,a roof over my head, a job and of course 3 greyhounds and 1 manx to love me back. Yes, he left the dogs behind.

  • 11/30/2016 at 4:02 pm

    Sending you happy winter wishes. Reading your books no matter how you put them out. Bright blessings.

  • 11/30/2016 at 2:58 pm

    Hoping that 2017 brings you increased with your indie publishing, as I enjoy your writing. Also hoping that your health continues to improve as the New Year approaches. And hope that Samwise lands a job that will appreciate him and he can thumb his nose at the ones that passed him up.

  • 11/30/2016 at 12:21 pm

    2016 is probably going down in history as the least liked year so far this millennium. It has been a rough one, I can’t think of one person or family that I know that has made it through unscathed. However we are still here and ready to put 2016 behind us. I hope going Indie really works for you, I want to see you and your writing around for years to come. I also hope Sam finds a terrific job where he is respected and honored for who he is. Love, happiness and hope are all we have, embrace it! I hope your holiday season passes without too much stress and may all of your dreams and expectation be met in the New Year. Hugs and love ~ Leah

  • 11/30/2016 at 10:16 am

    This has just been a crappy year all the way around it seems. I found out about my heart issues and that has completely messed our lives up. Not to mention that because of medical bills we are losing our home to foreclosure. On the other hand we have been lucky in ways. The fact that finally found out what was wrong with me is a big part. For years we thought it was just my diabetes (which im sure didn’t help) that was giving me problems. Then my husbands grandmother gave us a house. That is 100xs better than our old one we are losing. Im hoping you guys will get an abundance of luck as well. They are missing out by not giving Sam a chance. As far as the indie writing goes, as a huge fan I am loving it. All these new series are just amazing and i am so excited to get deeper into them. This move has seemed to get your creativity exploding or maybe its just easier to express them. Whatever happens i know i will be here! You write it, i buy it and read it. You havent disappointed me once.

  • 11/30/2016 at 9:56 am

    Blessed be. May the new year bring prosperity, joy and wellness to your household! Always remember, adversity builds strength. Be strong, resilient and determined!

    • 11/30/2016 at 10:05 am

      LOL, I’ve had more adversity in my life than anything else. That I’ve made it as far as I have, given my background, is pretty damned incredible. I’m done with adversity–time for things to smooth out. 🙂 Especially at my age.

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