Hey peeps, how are you? I had an intensive virtual conference I attended this past week, so my mind is still mush. I did want to thank everybody whose bought SHADOW MAGIC, though, and remind you that on the 10th I will be dropping it into KU, so if you want it on the other platforms, you’ll only have today and tomorrow to pick it up. It is available in print, though.
I’m writing CHARMED TO DEATH–the second book in the series, then will be writing SHATTERED SPELLS and WITCH’S WEB after that. Preorders ARE up!
And lastly, join us in my Facebook Group–during November and December, I’m holding a lot of fun little mini-giveaways, just for fun. And if you want to support my work in a different way and get a little added bonus content, check out my Patreon!
If you enjoyed this blog and would like to help support it, or just want to buy me a cup of coffee, click on the link below to donate. If you want more behind the scenes, join me over on Patreon, if you want to see more and help support my work on a different level.