Thursday Excerpt: From FURY RISING

In between excerpts from current/upcoming releases, I’m going to be posting excerpts from other books of mine you might not have had a chance to read. Today: FURY RISING BUY LINKS: KINDLE NOOK iTUNES KOBO CREATESPACE AMAZON PRINT “My name

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Release News

Update on Releases as of February 7, 2017 Note: All releases mentioned are indie, and available to order online. Print copies are trade size and available POD(Print on demand). Not found in stores. All buy links can be found on

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Fury’s Magic Excerpt

And another Fury’s Magic excerpt! The book is on my editor’s desk and will be out this month! I resisted at first, not wanting to dredge up the memories that I already wanted to bury, but this was important. So

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Fury’s Magic Excerpt

We’re coming up on the release of FURY’S MAGIC–so here’s another excerpt for you! “Fury? Fury?” The voice sounded familiar and safe, and I struggled against the fog that held me captive. Trying to move, I let out a long

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Fury’s Magic Excerpt

Another excerpt from FURY’S MAGIC–coming in November! I glanced over at the Devani. They were poised, weapons at the ready. Mist rising from the sewer grates began to cloak the area as the clouds socked in. The atmosphere was so

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Fury’s Magic Excerpt

And now, an excerpt from FURY’S MAGIC–due out in NOVEMBER!!! 🙂 “Are you sure you’re up for this?” I held up my sword. Xan was perpetually sharp so I never needed to hone her edge, but she asked for a

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Fury Rising Excerpt

“I don’t want to go in there. But I have no choice.” I had been in the Sandspit a few times, but never very far. Two hundred acres might not seem like much, but when every step was fraught with

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Fury Rising Excerpt

I was thirteen, and it was a chill winter night. My mother had taken me to a factory party with her. It was near Solstice and the Metalworks, where she held a job for ViCad Corp, threw a huge holiday

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Fury Rising Excerpt

“Hey baby, how much for a go-round?” Startled, I whirled to find myself facing a nondescript Suit. Slummer. He fingered his money clip in plain view, pegging him for an outlier. Anybody who lived in Darktown knew better than to

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Updates, Part One

A long blog post for you today, starting out with the exciting news that I have gotten a starred review from Publishers Weekly for FLIGHT FROM MAYHEM. I’ve gotten good reviews from them before but never a starred review, which

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