Cauldron Thoughts

A misty road with autumn leaves falling.

CAULDRON THOUGHTS: The harvest is over, Demeter sinks into mourning, the world takes a long breath…

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Welcome to the Witching Season

Welcome to the Witching Season

Every year, I write a post on October 1st called Welcome to the Witching Season, and today is no different. I love this post. I love that it’s time to write it, because I love the autumn, and I love

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Cauldron Thoughts

Cauldron Thoughts: Even in dark times the sun will rise and the seasons will turn.

“Even in dark times the sun will rise and the seasons will turn.” –Yasmine

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Happy Mabon!

Blessed Mabon

Blessed Mabon–May the second harvest bring you abundance and joy!

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Mabon Rites

Mabon image

The first rainstorms of the season, the scent of wood smoke fills the night air, a sudden gust as a brisk wind hurls leaves off the trees in a maelstrom of color, the last rush to harvest the garden before

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Lughnasadh: A Tarot Ritual

Breads and rolls

The waning half of the year leads us into the concept of sacrifice.  During this time we begin our spiritual descent into the Underworld.  Lughnasadh marks the first of the three  harvests: the Grain Harvest of Lughnasadh, the Harvest of

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Brain Candy Friday

Brain Candy Friday

We’re into summer, and the weather here has turned to sun and warmer days. I’m not fond of heat, but it’s pretty to see and it makes me want to go out and sit by the lake or find a

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Happy Litha!

Happy Litha!

Blessed Litha! Most joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme through this day As the Wheel turns to the Waning Year ~Yasmine and Her Team

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Litha: A Summer Siren Bathing Spell

Mermaid on a rock overlooking the ocean

Summer Solstice–or Litha, as we call it in the Craft–is coming. When I think of summer, I think of the beach. And I think of water and frogs and the ocean, and cleansing rituals. So here’s a summer-siren’s cleansing ritual

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Magick: Common Sense Ritual Preparations

Interview With Me

Note: I wrote this almost 20 years ago for a datebook and have the rights back, and it seems as pertinent today as it did then. When setting out to prepare for a magical ritual, there are several caveats best

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