Moon Stalking: Talia

Moon Stalking--moon behind clouds

Every other Friday I’ll be focusing on a character profile from my books/series. Today, we’re stalking Talia, one of the researchers and agents at the Wild Hunt. Talia was a harpy when she was born, but at one point when

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Playlist For Witching Moon

Witching Moon Cover

Playlist for writing this book! Air: Moon Fever; Playground Love; Napalm Love Airstream: Electra (Religion Cut) Alexandros: Milk (Bleach Version); Mosquito Bite Alice in Chains: Sunshine; Man in the Box; Bleed the Freak Android Lust: Here & Now; Saint Over

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A Reminder About Sun Broken

Sun Broken cover

Just a reminder that SUN BROKEN will be out on April 27th. Due to me being sick last month and the chaos around the coronavirus, I had to move it ahead a couple weeks, but it will be on your

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Spring into Spring Contest!

Spring Basket Contest

So, as you can see, my Spring Basket is filled with goodies for one lucky winner! Main prize: The beautiful flowered totebag is holding: a Kindle Fire, a flowered travel mug, tea with honey stix, beeswax candles, crystal candle holders,

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Vlog: Quarantine Diaries–Talking About Writing, Life, & Otherworld

Welcome to Yasmine's Place
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Moon Stalking: Raven BoneTalker

Moon Stalking--moon behind clouds

Every other Friday I’ll be focusing on a character profile from my books/series. Today, we’re stalking Raven BoneTalker, the Ante-Fae bone witch. Raven’s young, for a member of the Ante-Fae, and like all members of her race, she’s chaos embodied.

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Moon Stalking: Herne

Moon Stalking--moon behind clouds

Every other Friday I’ll be focusing on a character profile from my books/series. Today, we’re stalking Herne the Hunter, Lord of the Hunt, leader of the Wild Hunt Agency, and Ember’s boyfriend from the Wild Hunt Series. Being a god,

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Exciting Announcement!

Exciting Announcement!

BIG NEWS! So, I’m letting you in on my secret. I have signed a contract with Tantor Audio. They will be producing the first six Wild Hunt books in audio! So, yes, there will be audio books of the Wild

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What? A Cold? No!

Welcome to Yasmine's Place

So I’ve been really moving along on SUN BROKEN–it’s writing really quickly and I’m thrilled. Except today I hit a wall because today I woke up with a cold for the first time in YEARS. I have reactions out the

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Answering Reader Questions!

Answering Reader Questions

Time for more reader questions! Scarlet asks: Is there any chance there will be an Insiders Guide? With family trees, designations, pronunciations, birth dates, etc? Answer: First, I’m not sure what series you’re asking about—I have a number of them.

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