Hello Monday--cupcake with berry

It’s Monday and it’s a new year. My birthday’s coming up this month–I’ll be 56, and there’s snow frozen on the ground outside. So, definitely, things have shifted. Whatever happened in 2017, I plan on leaving as much of the bad stuff behind and focusing on the new. I’ve long maintained that you cannot draw in positive energy by focusing on the negative. This doesn’t mean that you pretend the “bad stuff” doesn’t exist—not by any means. No, what it means is that you stop feeding it. You stop giving it energy. If you can’t change it, you walk away from it and leave it alone, whenever possible.

Sometimes this means reducing the time you spend around toxic people in your life—and this is a choice you have to make because most energy vampires aren’t going to willingly give up a source of energy (and or money if they leech off of you). Sometimes this means reining in your own thoughts—every time you get off on a ‘what if’ binge that threatens to lead you into depression, you stop, do something else, break the pattern. And sometimes this means seeking therapy, or a self-help program like the Year to Clear to break through obstacles and barriers.

Whatever it takes, it means work. But it’s good work. It’s work that will serve you well in the long run. Turning your thoughts around, realizing that the Law of Attraction is a door that swings both ways (focus on the good, more good pours into your life, focus on the negative—well, yeah, you’ll find more negative aspects opening up)…this isn’t just a matter of saying, “Okay, I accept this. Done.”

Patterns of anger, envy, defeatist thinking are usually engrained and they’re self-perpetuating. So it does take work to break through these aspects. There are several things I’ve found that help:

  1. Make a list of positive achievements in your life. When you feel discouraged, read this aloud several times.
  2. Work with a buddy on clearing through problems. My friend Vicki and I have been going through the Year to Clear system and we’re almost done. It’s been so helpful to check in once a week and reinforce new patterns together.
  3. Keep a gratitude journal—each day write down five things that happened that day that you are grateful for.
  4. Truly count your blessings. More people have riches they never think about. Friends, loving family, a supportive spouse, children who care, pets that love you, a roof over your head, food in your belly, extra cash for a book or CD here and there…those are abundance. Wealth is not just about money—it’s about quality of life and that includes your relationships with people. It includes art and creativity and health.
  5. Start practicing the Law of Attraction. At first it may be a stretch to look for the abundance in your life, but the more you acknowledge and give thanks for it, the more there seems to be. I didn’t used to believe this but I’ve seen it in action.
  6. Don’t waste your time. “How you spend your time is how you spend your life.” Are you spending your time the way that makes you happy? Sometimes we all have to do things that aren’t so enjoyable, but make certain you plan in a period for play each week. Even if it’s fifteen minutes a day where you sit and just rest with a cup of coffee or tea, your cats/dogs, and breathe—give yourself down time.
  7. Don’t let people pull you in with their anger. This last election season was a horrendous drain on the nation’s emotional reserves. Now, I’m not happy about the results—and I’ve made it clear that they do frighten me. But…that doesn’t mean I can allow that fear to seep through my life. If I did, I’d be frozen and unable to do anything. Acknowledge the issues, but move through them. I got caught up in the anger and it gutted me for awhile. Now, I’m doing what I can to change things and focusing on the joy I can bring into my life, and while I’m at it, trying to drop a little joy into the lives of others in whatever ways I can think of.

So, yes, a new year. A new outlook. New hope. And new plans.


Blood Music   (Bewitching Bedlam #1—prequel novelette)
Holiday Spirits  (Chintz ‘n China holiday novella—wrap up of series)
Fury’s Magic  (Fury Unbound #2)
Fury Rising  (Fury Unbound #1)
Shadow Silence (Whisper Hollow #2)

You can preorder Souljacker

Coming late this month: Bewitching Bedlam (Bewitching Bedlam #2 –first full novel)
Coming in late April: Moon Shimmers (Otherworld #19)

Hello, Monday…
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6 thoughts on “Hello, Monday…

  • 01/03/2017 at 1:51 pm

    Anybody that can read this blog, have a roof, food, heat and are dry have an abundance of wealth.

  • 01/03/2017 at 10:49 am

    Thank you for posting this. You don’t know how much I needed to hear it. My place of employment has been acquired by another company and my department likely will be unemployed within a few months. I’ve really been focused on the negative and the “what ifs.” Thank you for reminding me to focus on the positive.

  • 01/03/2017 at 9:56 am

    Thank you for this. I am trying to keep on having positive in my life more this year rather than negative. I think it helps when someone points out what good is there rather than focusing on the bad stuff.

    I love your books and just pre-ordered Soul Jacker off amazon. 🙂 Looking forward to the Moon Shimmers.

  • 01/02/2017 at 9:41 pm

    Thank you for this. Sometimes it helps having someone point out the things that you should already know. And thank you for the joy your books bring to me.
    Blessed be

  • 01/02/2017 at 5:36 pm

    Thank you!
    I am trying so hard to keep feeding the positive in my life.
    I love these suggestions. Im going to add them.
    This year will be good.
    Blessings to you and Samwise

  • 01/02/2017 at 2:43 pm

    Such great points, Yasmine! Thanks for posting them. Also, I LOVED Holiday Spirits!

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