January: Wolf Moon
In January we turn our attention to new beginnings. Much of the Northern Hemisphere lies cloaked in winter, and ice and snow blanket the land in shades of blue and white. January is traditionally known for new beginnings. We face an austere time, with the holidays behind us and spring so far ahead.
This month, we focus our ritual on goals we want to achieve this year. On the full moon, sit down with a page of clean, white paper, and choose an ink whose color matches your goals—green–prosperity, red–love, blue–creativity. Think about each goal, then write it down. Make sure it’s achievable, something you want.
When you’ve finished, fold it three times, and seal with wax. Then take it outside under the Ice Moon and say:
“Wishes and Goals, Visions and Dreams…
Help me achieve all that I desire
Strengthen my drive for that which I aspire.”
Place your list in a safe place until New Year’s Eve, then open it and see how much you’ve achieved and how many goals you’ve revised or let go.
Affirmation for the Wolf Moon: I choose goals within my grasp, which are my own desires.